Tuesday, 2 April 2013

Hello April

Wow time has gone by so quickly, it's already another month! This makes me think that humans really waste time and don't appreciate every day like its a blessing. We are always hoping that the day will go quicker so that we can get to the Friday afternoon when we all finish work and can relax. We go through the rest of the week almost as if we are on auto pilot just waiting for the weekend. I'm guilty of this too.

Monday's are the worst days of all time. I think every person on the planet complains about a Monday and I am very guilty of this. I hate Monday's, I really do because I feel so dead and unresponsive to a Monday that I make myself miserable without even realizing it as I'm so negative towards Monday's. To be honest I hate all days that aren't Friday, Saturday and Sunday and that frame of mind really does affect everything I do. Ever since I started reading Louise's Motivational Monday posts I really did start trying to be better about Monday's and every other day for that matter. It did help but I think it would be more helpful for myself if I started doing my own posts inspired by Louise's posts. So this will be a monthly post for the begininng of every new month.
This post is about living and loving your life every second of the day. You are the one that can make your life fun and relaxing not the weekend. You make the decisions about your life so make them positive decisions. Start with loving everyday of the week not just the weekends. Think about how much time has been wasted and there are people out there that are wishing for more time. Do everything you want to because people ending regretting what they haven't done more than what they have done. Don't wish your days away because every day is a blessing in disguise and only you can make the most of it.

I really hope this post helped and if you have any ideas for these kind of posts let me know please!

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