Showing posts with label Maybelline. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Maybelline. Show all posts

Thursday, 20 February 2014

Testing, testing...

So I've recently acquired a few more beauty products that I'm currently testing out. I have half and half formed opnions already about a few of the products but I'd prefer to test them out a little bit longer to forma completley solid opnion. I did notice that I forgot one skincare product off this list but I'll be sure to mention it in this post anyways.

Thursday, 23 January 2014

FOTD #5: The Minimalist

Lately I've been sporting a very bare but polished look. I haven't been in the mood to go all out on my makeup but I don't feel comfortable going too bare. To be honest I'm really digging this minimalist look. Its very simple and I'm done with makeup in 5 minutes (okay 7 or 8 minutes...).

Tuesday, 24 December 2013

The Christmas FOTD #4

Merry Christmas to all out there and I hope Santa got you everything you ever wished for! Today thought I'd show you my "Christmas face". Very plain and simple no makeup look.

Currently Loving

I've seen posts like this for a while going around so I thought it would be quite a fun thing to do. This weeks favourite loves are:

Monday, 18 November 2013

Sunday's FOTD #3

Thought I should share with you what makeup I was wearing yesterday. I am wearing exactly the same makeup today so I guess it can be todays FOTD but I took photos of yesterdays face and I felt like I would be lying if I said its todays face when the pictures are from yesterday. Anyways I digress...

Friday, 15 November 2013

Face Of The Day #2

Second FOTD featuring my much raved about Avon Glow Blush and Bronze Duo. Also a new BB cream and concealer thrown in the mix.