Shampoo and Conditioner have to be one of the most important task of all for your hair. As I'm sure most of you know you're actually not supposed to wash your hair every night or every second night even. You're supposed to wash it twice a week according to some hair specialists. Personally I wash mine every second day and if I can't help it every third day. It's healthy for your hair's natural oils to nourish your hair instead of shampoo's and conditioner's.
My hair routine would be to wash my hair thoroughly with shampoo that suits my hairs needs and then condition it. I don't condition my whole head as it leaves it oily, flat and just weighed down. I only apply conditioner to a third of the way down my hair targetting the tips of my hair.
I'm going to review two shampoo's and two condioner's that I've been using lately for my hair.
From Left: Avon Advance Techniques 360 Nourishment Moroccan Argan Oil Shampoo, Lee Stafford Bleach Blonde Shampoo, Aussie Frizz Miracle Conditioner, VO5 Gloss Me Smoothly Conditioner (Please excuse the blurry images - my camera is giving SUCH problems! Sigh...)
Avon Advance Techniques 360 Nourishment Moroccan Argan Oil Shampoo - was on special when I purchased it for R39.95.
This shampoo has got to be the best shampoo under the sun. I've never really been a fan of Avon (don't ask why because I have no clue) but lately I've been taking a chance and ordering from them and I must say Avon has some real gems in their product line and their prices are real good too! The shampoo feels like you don't need to even apply conditioner to your hair because it leaves it SO soft, its just a dream. It smells clean but almost floral-like too. Its a pearly white formula that spreads everywhere, it'll last forever since you don't have to use so much product. When I woke up in the morning after using the shampoo my hair wasn't a frizzy, unruly, dry, thick, damaged (blah blah) mess that my hair usually is (I definitely can't pull off the sexy bed head look...). My hair was tame and soft and it looked shiny. I would definitely recommend this to anyone that suffers from hair like mine and since it's moroccan argan oil you'd feel a bit exotic usuing this. Usually moroccan argan oil is crap expensive and for Avon to sell it at such a good price (I think the normal selling price is R60...don't quote me on that cause I really don't know) its a must have for anybodys hair routine. I hope I convinced you with the price! :)
Lee Stafford Bleach Blonde Shampoo - R95.99
I don't have bleached blonde hair just to clear the air but I just want to get one thing straight and that is shampoo or conditioner for blonde hair is NOT only for blonde hair! Brunettes can use it too! Hooray! I find my dark brown hair sometimes has a bit of brassy, redish tones to it which I think makes my hair look unwashed and greasy because it just doesn't look right with my hair. I bought this when I had ombred my hair and I didn't want brassy tones in my blonde ends. Needless to say after I bought this shampoo I dyed my hair back to brown much to my bank accounts dismay (even though it wasn't expensive but still...) This stuff works! And I mean seriously! Okay I'll admit it's very drying on my hair but an extra dose of conditioner does the trick. I wouldn't recommend using this as an "every day shampoo" because of how drying it is. The shampoo is a lovely dark purple that has incredible smell that I really can't describe. All in all it gets rid of the brassy tones like it should but you can work around the drying effect it leaves your hair with.
Aussie Frizz Miracle Conditioner - R 69.95
Now this conditioner has saved my hair. I always leave my conditioner in for 3 minutes or so for it to actually work and "sink in". As I've said before my hair is frizzy and unruly. This calms my frizzies down very well and softens my hair without weighing it down. It's a beautiful minty blue colour and it smells great. Aussie use all the natural products from Australia and I must say Aussie has done very well. There isn't really anything bad about this product although I do find it dificult to get the formula out the bottle and when I eventually do get it out I use more than I intended as it just pops out.
VO5 Gloss Me Smoothly Conditioner - R59.95
I've never used VO5 before so I don't know how good their products are. I did however buy this conditioner because my sister recommended it and also because you just don't go shopping with my sister as you come out with more than you intended to buy and with your bank card worn out... With that said she persuaded me to get this and I will say I wasn't blown away by it. To be honest I'm just using it so I don't feel bad about wasting money on it. That sounds harsh... Anyways this product does work by taming frizzy hair and it definitely "glosses you smoothly", a little too smoothly... It weighs my hair down and it makes my hair feel a bit greasy and you can feel the conditioner sitting in your hair even after washing it out. On the other hand it works wonders for my sisters hair and her hair looks healthy and smooth. Maybe it works for some peoples hair but it definitely hasn't worked for me. I literally use a tiny amount so that it doesn't make my hair greasy. If you like a strong perfumed smell in a conditioner then that's a plus. The smell is quite strong and floral based. Not my best buy.
Have you tried any of these hair products?
What's your hair care routine?