Wednesday, 15 January 2014

Morning Skincare

One of the things I hate, other than shaving, washing and styling my hair, is washing my face in the morning. I have no idea why, I think its just because I'm a lazy person and also not one of the best morning people either but washing your face in the morning to me is essential so all morning complaints aside, I thought I'd share with you my no fuss morning skincare routine.

Friday, 10 January 2014


Well first off Happy 2014 everyone! I'm 10 days late but better now than never. I hope everyone had a lovely Christmas and a very Happy New Year. Just a quick update, I have pretty much been silent since Christmas, I decided to take a break for a short while as I've been so exhausted this past year. Looking back 2013 had good things but majority was bad things for me, so you can imagine how keen I am for a clean slate in the year 2014! 2014 is going to be a busy and hopefully great year filled with studying teaching, my sisters wedding and just having fun and being positive (I have a nasty habit of being negative so you can count that as my new years resolution number 1.) Anyways things here on Dimples & Beauty will go back to normal come Monday - get excited! I hope everyone has a lovely weekend!

Tuesday, 24 December 2013

The Christmas FOTD #4

Merry Christmas to all out there and I hope Santa got you everything you ever wished for! Today thought I'd show you my "Christmas face". Very plain and simple no makeup look.

Currently Loving

I've seen posts like this for a while going around so I thought it would be quite a fun thing to do. This weeks favourite loves are: