Saturday, 12 October 2013

The 5 Minute Face

Ever wake up and discover you have ten minutes to get yourself ready for the day ahead? I'm guilty of waking up and not putting makeup on and just heading out the door makeup-less...

Thursday, 1 August 2013

Life Update & Skin Care

Hello everyone! I'm back! I decided to come back on the 1st of a new month to get a proper fresh start on life and my blog. I'm not going to be posting very often just once in a while to get back on track and I don't want to push myself too hard or put too much pressure on myself. Its been a really hard and long month but I'm slowly getting there after a long time. I feel like I'm becoming myself again but not really if that makes sense...?

Wednesday, 3 July 2013

An Update: Life Lately

I'm going to start by saying that I'm going to very scarce around here for a while. I don't want to advertise my personal life especially when my blog is so public but I am going through personal problems and I'm just not happy and I can't do things that I love anymore because I'm so unhappy. My whole life changed on Sunday and I'm still currently trying to come to terms with it - if I ever come to terms with it. It's going to be a while so please bare with me here. I will be around soon and get into a different routine to get me going again but for now I need to be by myself and have time to think about everything and I don't want to do things that remind me of everything before Sunday and unfortunately this includes my blog because it'll just ruin the healing process. I will be back soon though and hopefully I'll be stronger so don't stress. I will update you again in a while and let you know my plans for the blog once I've cleared my head.

Chat again soon.

Wednesday, 26 June 2013

Budget Beauty: Freeman Beauty Pineapple Enzyme Mask

This is my second product from the Freeman Beauty Feeling Beautiful range and once again I'm not left disappointed. I have another mask which I did a full review on here and that mask made me want to try other products from their range. It was about R15 more expensive than the last mask but thats expected because the first mask was bought a while ago and bought at the local Dischem store.