Ahh the Revlon BB Cream. Revlon and BB cream? I'm there. I love Revlon products and I love BB creams so for me this was love at first sight and I just had to get it. It took me a long time though because I couldn't ever find my colour and I finally got it and boy was I excited!
Thursday, 27 March 2014
Wednesday, 5 March 2014
Midweek Mender | Me Time
There are just days when all I want to do is crawl up into bed with candles, Vampire Diaries and hot chocolate - even on hot days - and those days are usually during the middle of the week. Sometimes I just feel like Wednesdays are just as bad as Mondays are. By Wednesday I am frazzled, over worked, tired, grumpy, the list could go on. By midweek our (or just mine?) stress levels are at their most ‘I need a chocolate bar or this is not going to be pretty’-est, causing cortisol levels to rise which can lead to the skin’s strength to weaken and oxygen flow to diminish and you just feel down right moody and horrible. A prescription to hump day blues? A good chillax’.
Thursday, 27 February 2014
February Favourites
In the blink of an eye another month has flown by and once again we all say the cliché "I can't believe how fast this month has gone by". Cliché or not, its a saying that oozes with truth. Tomorrow is March and I still relive New Years 2014 like it was yesterday, yet its the third month of the year already and technically the beginning of Autumn in the South (even though the heat says something different). So while I reminisce, here are my favourites from February to keep you occupied in the "here and now"...
Thursday, 20 February 2014
Testing, testing...
So I've recently acquired a few more beauty products that I'm currently testing out. I have half and half formed opnions already about a few of the products but I'd prefer to test them out a little bit longer to forma completley solid opnion. I did notice that I forgot one skincare product off this list but I'll be sure to mention it in this post anyways.
Wednesday, 19 February 2014
Now I know my FOTD's usually look pretty similar but I really enjoy doing FOTD's, especially when I'm using one or two new products that I'd love to tell you about. I'm still really into the minimalist look at the moment, I think its classic, easy, quick and very pretty for a day time look. I won't lie even if I go out at night I don't wear all that much more makeup but I do my eyes a bit darker and throw in some bronzer and highlighter.
Tuesday, 18 February 2014
Barbara Hofmann Foundation Brush
The Barbara Hofmann Foundation Brush is something that I bought without much investigation into the brand. It just looked like a very impressive stand of makeup brushes at Dischem and I've been looking for a buffing foundation brush for a while, so my impulsive self threw it into my shopping bag without much thought.
Wednesday, 12 February 2014
LUSH Rehab Shampoo
In November sometime I ordered from LUSH and got a few things like soap and a face wash and two hair products, one of them being the Rehab shampoo - R85. This has got to be my most used and most favoured products from LUSH that I've ordered. It works so well and my hair feels and smells better than ever.
Thursday, 6 February 2014
My Birthday Wishlist
Exactly a week from today will be my birthday. The big 20! I'm not really too phased about it if I'm honest, So many friends are so excited for me and ask if I'm excited.. I'm really not. I think I'll be more excited for my 21st but anyways that being said, I thought I'd do something fun and make a short but sweet wishlist for all the things I want for my birthday. Now theres no point in this really, since I know my family have already bought my presents but nevertheless, I thought it would be nice for those of who you are struggling with ideas on what to ask for if you're a February baby too. Also I guess this could be used as a cheeky Valentines Day wishlist, hey? Direct the boyfriends here!
Thursday, 30 January 2014
January Favourites
So the first month of 2014 has come and nearly gone. January has got to be the longest month ever. It drags so bad, mainly because January is the month that everyone is a little bit more broke than they'd like to admit. For some odd reason, even though January is a time for new beginnings and a new start, I never really have liked January all that much. Last year I never did a December Favourites post so a lot of these products are mainly December's favourites with literally a few products being the favourites for January (no money month - what can I say? I never bought a lot.)
Thursday, 23 January 2014
FOTD #5: The Minimalist
Tuesday, 21 January 2014
Evening Skincare
Last week I did a post on my morning skincare routine, which you can read here, it is quite a basic routine. Today I'll share my evening skincare routine, which is the one that I enjoy best. It is also quite basic, I've seen so many evening skincare routines that have 101 products in it. I'd get so confused, I like things simple. So without further ado here it is.
Wednesday, 15 January 2014
Morning Skincare
One of the things I hate, other than shaving, washing and styling my hair, is washing my face in the morning. I have no idea why, I think its just because I'm a lazy person and also not one of the best morning people either but washing your face in the morning to me is essential so all morning complaints aside, I thought I'd share with you my no fuss morning skincare routine.
Friday, 10 January 2014

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