Thursday, 1 August 2013

Life Update & Skin Care

Hello everyone! I'm back! I decided to come back on the 1st of a new month to get a proper fresh start on life and my blog. I'm not going to be posting very often just once in a while to get back on track and I don't want to push myself too hard or put too much pressure on myself. Its been a really hard and long month but I'm slowly getting there after a long time. I feel like I'm becoming myself again but not really if that makes sense...?

Anyways so now onto this months first blog post... skin care! I've noticed a lot of people don't know what skin type they are and then they use wrong products for their skin and wonder why their skin isn't improving so I thought I'd share my knowledge on skin care and how you can take better care for your skin. Please also remember I'm not a skin care expert its just what I've learnt. :)

Right lets get started! There are 5 skin types that people can get and they are: normal, dry, combination, oily and sensitive skin. Its important to know what your skin type is so that you can buy the correct products for your skin type in order to help your situation. Your skin type can also change over time or due to the different seasons but generally you have one skin type. Skin types vary on factors such as water content, oil (sebum) and sensitivity.

Normal Skin Type: I consider people with a normal skin type to be the lucky ones. Their skin is not too oily and not too dry. These are the people with the milk and honey complexion. Few or no imperfections, their pores aren't as visible, their skin isn't very sensitive and they have a radiant complexion. Jealous right?

Dry Skin Type: people with dry skin usually have invisible pores, dull or rough complexion, less elasticity (water content is low) and red patches. It becomes red because the dryness of the skin becomes very itchy and rough because of the lack of moisture in the skin. People with dry skin need products with a lot more moisture in them that doesn't strip the natural oils off their skin and they need a lot of cream or lotion. Generally their skin sucks up all the moisture in the skin right away because its very dehydrated so stick to face washes and creams that are extremely hydrating.

Combination Skin Type: Now this is the skin type that I have and it is the most annoying skin type in the world if you ask me. A combination skin type can be dry in some places and oily in some places too (generally the forehead, nose and chin) so its very important to use products specifically for combination skin because it provides both hydration and controls oil in the areas that need it. People with combination skin usually have large pores, shiny skin in certain areas and suffer from blackheads especially on the chin area and a few pimples. People with combination skin have to be careful what products they use as they can't use an overly moisturising cream because the cream can cause a lot more oil to the oilier areas and vice versa.

Oily Skin Type: People with oily skin have very shiny skin and suffer from pimples and blackheads because of the amount of sebum (oil) that that the glands produce. Products for oily skin mainly help with controlling the amount of oil that gets produced which in turn helps with the blackheads and pimples. Of course you have to be careful to not strip too much oil off your skin because this will create your glands to produce even more oil even more quickly. A certain amount of oil is good for your skin so don't try get rid of it all. Also a lot of people with oily skin tend to think that they shouldn't mositurise their skin because it will create more oil - this is not true! You have to, have to, have to moisturise your skin! Your skin does need moisture and instead of using a thick cream use a light lotion.

Sensitive Skin Type: People with sensitive skin suffer from itchiness, redness and dryness. People with a sensitive skin type have to be careful what products they use because anything can make their skin itchy, break out and cause inflammation. People with sensitive skin shouldn't use harsh products or chemicals and instead should use products that are very mild, gentle and soothing. You should also moisturise your skin a lot to soothe it.

I hope I helped any body with issues about what type of skin they have and hopefully I've covered all the factors about each skin type. So now go out with your purse in hand and go skin care shopping for the RIGHT products. Enjoy! :)

Pinch and a punch for the first day of the month by the way ;)

P.S my email has changed to - please send any queries to this email address from now on!

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