Elizabeth Arden 8 Hour Cream Skin Protectant - R165 from Edgars |
Elizabeth Arden 8 Hour Cream is a miracle worker. It's am intense cream that helps with dry skin or minor burns and chapped lips, think of vaseline or that baby petroleum jelly and that's what the texture is like. I mainly use mine for my lips especially in winter. I put it on at night and the next morning my lips are so soft and almost plump looking. You can also put a little bit on before you put on lipstick and I swear your lipstick goes on so smoothly and it makes your lips look lucious! I have to admit the smell is quite potent, it's like a medicine smell but luckily you do get a frangranced one now and the cream is very hard to get out of the tube because of the stiffness. This one is the skin protectant and it also comes in a jar but you do get one that is specifically a lip balm and you get it in a tube and a jar. I chose the original because I've tried and tested it before and I'll never look back. Also another good thing about this is because I only use it for my lips you literally need the tiniest amount to put on. My sister got this about two years ago and hers is still going strong. Really theres not one bad thing to say about this product except the smell but theres a fragranced one out so no complaining and I heard the fragranced one smells great!
This is definitely worth the buy if you suffer from dry skin and lips and I'm adding this to my winter routine!
Happy Friday and I hope everyone has a fab weekend!
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